Thursday, February 28, 2013

The dilemma of Bradley Manning

What should Bradley Manning do? In times of war, when you see something wrong, soldiers leak information to press, or wikiLeaks. They do this because they see that their leaders who they would have reported the wrongs are involved. Soldiers who leak information to the outside world, do a lot for humanity, but then retire to a lonely life loathed by countrymen and treated as traitors. But Bradley Manning is treated unnecessarily harsh and I wonder why. Loath him all you want but to jail him may not be legal. How can you punish someone for doing something right?

Good bye Pope Benedict

The Catholic church is stagnating. Its in the news for all wrong reasons. Christianity is going out of flavor. Love and forgiveness and a wonderful world with strong family ties ....... seem a thing of the past, at least in the Christian world. The church had no competition in a long time. The only other organized religion - Islam - with its many subjugating rules for women stayed behind the church. But now with Hinduism by being more organized and modernized is giving Christianity a run for its money. Many Hindu spiritual leaders work spirituality around science evoking curiosity and interest like never before. Dynamism is a necessary tool for survival even for spirituality. May be Pope Benedict will now meditate and get really spiritual, like what priests must really do.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Return Dalai Lama to Tibet

China must leave Tibet alone. Tibetans have achieved nirvana. One of the most beautiful and peaceful cultures of the world. The Dalai Lama is a highly respected spiritual leader looked up to by people like Voltaire. He knows his business. Return Dalai Lama and peace to Tibet. God bless.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Good news for Australian Politics - Assange contests elections

Clearly, if Assange enters Australian politics there will be a shift in world power. This is indeed good news. Will be watching Australia with interest in the coming months. Brilliant move by Assange.